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Your Guide to a Relaxing Aquarium Experience: Leave Stress Behind

Dive Deep: A Step-by-Step Guide to Our Aquarium Services

First, we conduct a visual examination of your aquarium. This involves observing the behavior of the fish, corals, and invertebrates to assess their overall health and functionality. We pay attention to any indications of stress, malnutrition, or sickness. If necessary, we will feed the fish and monitor their reactions, noting any that do not eat or seem overly aggressive. Next, we evaluate the amount and type of algae growth present in the tank. After that, we carry out a digital water test that measures eight key parameters to identify any chemical imbalances in the aquarium. We listen to the filter system and inspect its components to see if a change or cleaning is needed. Additionally, we look for any signs of water leakage or salt buildup. We will add any necessary chemicals. We check the lighting system. We also safely remove algae from the glass, filters, and sand. Finally, we check the electrical system, clean the aquarium, and provide you with a report of our findingsĀ  through our appointment mobile app!


O2U's aquarium maintenance services consist of:

- RODI water changes (20% - 30%) mixed with high-quality salt
- Refilling freshwater reservoirs
- Delivering livestock and other items requested by the customer
- Checking and adjusting salinity
- Testing water for pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, alkalinity, and phosphates
- Wiping algae from the inside and outside of the aquarium
- Replacing floss and carbon
- Cleaning and adjusting the protein skimmer
- Cleaning the substrate (sand, rock, gravel, etc.)
- Performing water polishing (micron cleaning)
- Cleaning hardware (exteriors of filters, light strips, glass tops, canopies, and stands)



AQUARIUMS UP TO 110 GALLONS: $169.99 (Reserve using the form below)

AQUARIUMS EXCEEDING 110 GALLONS: Please fill out the form below.

All listed prices are based on the service being conducted within a 10-mile radius of O2U. A mileage fee of $2.00 per mile will apply for distances over the initial 10 miles (one way for each visit), according to the maintenance vehicle's odometer reading.

For custom plumbing quotes, saltwater mixing station setups, or automated systems, emailĀ 

Emergency service is available 24 hours a day. Call 713-724-0979 and press extension 1.Ā